How to Say “Or” in Korean (또는 / 아니면)?
The word “or” is used to connect choices or options, and in Korean, it can be expressed in different ways depending on the context.
The two most common ways to say “or” are 또는 (tto-neun) and 아니면 (a-ni-myeon).
- 또는 is more formal and used in written language or polite conversations.
- 아니면 is more casual and commonly used in spoken language.
In this guide, we’ll dive deep into how to use “or” in Korean with examples and related expressions.
Formal “Or” in Korean: 또는 (tto-neun)
What Does 또는 Mean?
The word 또는 is typically used in formal writing or when you want to be polite. It connects two nouns, phrases, or ideas, providing options or choices.
Examples of 또는 in Sentences
Here are some practical examples to understand its usage:
- 커피 또는 차를 드시겠어요?
(keo-pi tto-neun cha-reul deu-si-ge-sseo-yo?)
- “Would you like coffee or tea?”
- 커피: coffee, 차: tea, 드시겠어요: would you like.
- 서울 또는 부산에 갈 계획이 있어요.
(seo-ul tto-neun bu-san-e gal gye-hwe-gi iss-eo-yo.)
- “I plan to go to Seoul or Busan.”
- 서울: Seoul, 부산: Busan, 계획: plan.
- 영어 또는 한국어를 배우고 싶어요.
(yeong-eo tto-neun han-gu-geo-reul bae-u-go si-peo-yo.)
- “I want to learn English or Korean.”
- 영어: English, 한국어: Korean, 배우고 싶어요: want to learn.
- 책 또는 영화를 추천해 주세요.
(chaek tto-neun yeong-hwa-reul chu-cheon-hae ju-se-yo.)
- “Please recommend a book or a movie.”
- 책: book, 영화: movie, 추천해 주세요: please recommend.
- 이 문제를 풀거나 또는 포기할 수 있어요.
(i mun-je-reul pul-geona tto-neun po-gi-hal su iss-eo-yo.)
- “You can solve this problem or give up.”
- 문제: problem, 풀다: solve, 포기하다: give up.
Casual “Or” in Korean: 아니면 (a-ni-myeon)
What Does 아니면 Mean?
The word 아니면 is a casual and versatile way to say “or” in Korean. It’s commonly used in spoken Korean and connects two options or ideas in daily conversations.
Examples of 아니면 in Sentences
Here are some everyday examples:
- 밥 먹을래? 아니면 라면 먹을래?
(bap meok-eul-lae? a-ni-myeon ra-myeon meok-eul-lae?)
- “Do you want to eat rice or ramen?”
- 밥: rice, 라면: ramen, 먹을래: do you want to eat.
- 버스 아니면 지하철을 탈 거예요.
(beo-seu a-ni-myeon ji-ha-cheol-eul tal geo-ye-yo.)
- “I will take the bus or the subway.”
- 버스: bus, 지하철: subway, 탈 거예요: will take.
- 너 아니면 내가 해야 해.
(neo a-ni-myeon nae-ga hae-ya hae.)
- “If not you, then I have to do it.”
- 너: you, 내가: I, 해야 해: have to do.
- 학교 아니면 집에 있을게요.
(hak-gyo a-ni-myeon jib-e iss-eul-ge-yo.)
- “I will be at school or at home.”
- 학교: school, 집: home, 있을게요: will be.
- 지금 아니면 나중에 할까요?
(ji-geum a-ni-myeon na-jung-e hal-kka-yo?)
- “Shall we do it now or later?”
- 지금: now, 나중에: later, 할까요: shall we do.
Using “Or” Between Verbs: -거나 (geo-na)
What Does -거나 Mean?
When connecting verbs, you use -거나 instead of 또는 or 아니면. This grammatical structure lets you present two or more actions as options.
Examples of -거나 in Sentences
- 책을 읽거나 영화를 볼 거예요.
(chaek-eul ilk-geo-na yeong-hwa-reul bol geo-ye-yo.)
- “I will read a book or watch a movie.”
- 읽다: read, 보다: watch.
- 집에서 쉬거나 친구를 만날 거예요.
(jib-e-seo swi-geo-na chin-gu-reul man-nal geo-ye-yo.)
- “I will rest at home or meet a friend.”
- 쉬다: rest, 만나다: meet.
- 주말에 운동하거나 공부할 거예요.
(ju-mal-e un-dong-ha-geo-na gong-bu-hal geo-ye-yo.)
- “I will exercise or study on the weekend.”
- 운동하다: exercise, 공부하다: study.
- 밖에 나가거나 집에 있을게요.
(bak-e na-ga-geo-na jib-e iss-eul-ge-yo.)
- “I will either go out or stay at home.”
- 나가다: go out, 있다: stay.
- 음악을 듣거나 영화를 보고 싶어요.
(eum-ak-eul deut-geo-na yeong-hwa-reul bo-go si-peo-yo.)
- “I want to listen to music or watch a movie.”
- 듣다: listen, 보다: watch.
Using “Or” Between Adjectives: -거나 (geo-na)
How to Connect Adjectives
Just like verbs, adjectives can also be connected using -거나 to express options.
Examples of -거나 With Adjectives
- 날씨가 덥거나 추워요.
(nal-ssi-ga deop-geo-na chu-weo-yo.)
- “The weather is either hot or cold.”
- 덥다: hot, 춥다: cold.
- 책이 재미있거나 지루해요.
(chaek-i jae-mi-it-geo-na ji-ru-hae-yo.)
- “The book is either interesting or boring.”
- 재미있다: interesting, 지루하다: boring.
- 방이 크거나 작아요.
(bang-i keu-geo-na jak-a-yo.)
- “The room is either big or small.”
- 크다: big, 작다: small.
- 이 음식이 달거나 짜요.
(i eum-sik-i dal-geo-na jja-yo.)
- “This food is either sweet or salty.”
- 달다: sweet, 짜다: salty.
- 길이 멀거나 가까워요.
(gil-i meol-geo-na ga-kka-weo-yo.)
- “The road is either far or near.”
- 멀다: far, 가깝다: near.
Enjoy Practicing Korean!
Let’s practice saying “or” in Korean using these examples and explanations.
If you use 또는, 아니면, or -거나, mastering these words will help you sound more natural in Korean conversations.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Enjoy learning!