How to Say Good Afternoon in Korean (한국어로 ‘Good Afternoon’ 인사하기)
In Korean, the equivalent of “Good Afternoon” is “안녕하세요?” (annyeonghaseyo?) when spoken generally, or “좋은 오후 되세요.” (joeun ohu doeseyo) in a more specific sense.
Here’s a quick explanation –
- 안녕하세요? (annyeonghaseyo?) is the most versatile greeting, used any time of day to say “Hello.”
- 좋은 오후 되세요. (joeun ohu doeseyo) is a polite way to wish someone a “Good Afternoon.”
In this detailed guide, we’ll explore different ways to greet and use “Good Afternoon” in Korean, with examples and cultural insights.
Common Greetings in the Afternoon: 안녕하세요? (오후에 흔히 쓰이는 인사)
What Does 안녕하세요? Mean?
The phrase 안녕하세요? (annyeonghaseyo?) is the most commonly used greeting in Korean.
It means “Hello” and can be used at any time of day, including the afternoon.
Examples of Using 안녕하세요? in the Afternoon
- 안녕하세요? 오늘 날씨가 좋네요.
(annyeonghaseyo? oneul nalssi-ga jonneyo.)
- “Hello? The weather is nice today.”
- 안녕하세요: Hello, 오늘: today, 날씨: weather, 좋다: nice.
- 안녕하세요? 점심 드셨어요?
(annyeonghaseyo? jeom-sim deu-syeoss-eo-yo?)
- “Hello? Did you have lunch?”
- 점심: lunch, 드셨어요: did you eat (honorific).
- 안녕하세요? 오후에 뭐 하세요?
(annyeonghaseyo? ohu-e mwo haseyo?)
- “Hello? What are you doing this afternoon?”
- 오후: afternoon, 뭐: what, 하세요: are you doing.
- 안녕하세요? 오늘 계획이 있나요?
(annyeonghaseyo? oneul gye-hoegi iss-na-yo?)
- “Hello? Do you have plans for today?”
- 계획: plans, 있나요: do you have.
- 안녕하세요? 오랜만이에요.
(annyeonghaseyo? o-raen-man-ieyo.)
- “Hello? Long time no see.”
- 오랜만: long time, 이에요: it is.
Formal Way to Say Good Afternoon: 좋은 오후 되세요 (공식적인 ‘Good Afternoon’ 표현)
What Does 좋은 오후 되세요 Mean?
The phrase 좋은 오후 되세요 (joeun ohu doeseyo) is a polite way to wish someone a good afternoon. It is mostly used in formal or professional settings.
Examples of 좋은 오후 되세요 in Sentences
- 좋은 오후 되세요. 점심 맛있게 드세요.
(joeun ohu doeseyo. jeom-sim mas-it-ge deu-se-yo.)
- “Have a good afternoon. Enjoy your lunch.”
- 점심: lunch, 맛있게 드세요: enjoy your meal.
- 좋은 오후 되세요. 건강 조심하세요.
(joeun ohu doeseyo. geon-gang jo-sim-ha-se-yo.)
- “Have a good afternoon. Take care of your health.”
- 건강: health, 조심하세요: be careful.
- 좋은 오후 되세요. 좋은 하루 보내세요.
(joeun ohu doeseyo. joeun haru bonae-seyo.)
- “Have a good afternoon. Have a great day.”
- 하루: day, 보내세요: spend.
- 좋은 오후 되세요. 곧 봐요.
(joeun ohu doeseyo. got bwa-yo.)
- “Have a good afternoon. See you soon.”
- 곧: soon, 봐요: see you.
- 좋은 오후 되세요. 다음에 만나요.
(joeun ohu doeseyo. daeum-e man-na-yo.)
- “Have a good afternoon. See you next time.”
- 다음: next, 만나요: meet.
Informal Greetings for Afternoon: 안녕! (가벼운 오후 인사)
What Does 안녕 Mean?
The word 안녕 (annyeong) is the informal version of “Hello” or “Hi.” It is suitable for casual conversations with friends, peers, or younger people.
Examples of 안녕 in Sentences
- 안녕! 오늘 뭐 해?
(annyeong! oneul mwo hae?)
- “Hi! What are you doing today?”
- 뭐 해: what are you doing.
- 안녕! 날씨 진짜 좋다.
(annyeong! nalssi jin-jja jota.)
- “Hi! The weather is really nice.”
- 진짜: really, 좋다: nice.
- 안녕! 점심 먹었어?
(annyeong! jeom-sim meo-geo-sseo?)
- “Hi! Did you eat lunch?”
- 먹었어: did you eat (informal).
- 안녕! 나중에 봐.
(annyeong! na-jung-e bwa.)
- “Hi! See you later.”
- 나중에: later, 봐: see you.
- 안녕! 잘 지냈어?
(annyeong! jal ji-nae-sseo?)
- “Hi! How have you been?”
- 잘 지냈어: have you been well.
Afternoon Greetings for Specific Situations (특정 상황에서의 오후 인사)
For Work or Office
- 좋은 오후 되세요. 회의 잘 하세요.
(joeun ohu doeseyo. hoe-ui jal ha-seyo.)
- “Good afternoon. Have a good meeting.”
- 회의: meeting.
- 안녕하세요? 지금 바쁘세요?
(annyeonghaseyo? ji-geum ba-ppeu-se-yo?)
- “Hello? Are you busy now?”
- 바쁘다: busy.
For Friends or Family
- 안녕! 나랑 점심 먹을래?
(annyeong! na-rang jeom-sim meo-geul-lae?)
- “Hi! Want to have lunch with me?”
- 나랑: with me.
- 안녕! 오후에 영화 보러 가자.
(annyeong! ohu-e yeong-hwa bo-reo ga-ja.)
- “Hi! Let’s go watch a movie in the afternoon.”
- 영화: movie, 가자: let’s go.
Cultural Insights on Greetings (인사에 대한 문화적 통찰)
In Korean culture, greetings are a way of showing respect and building relationships. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
- Use Formal Greetings for Elders or Superiors: Always use 안녕하세요 or 좋은 오후 되세요 in professional settings.
- Casual Greetings for Friends: Feel free to use 안녕 with close friends or family.
- Nonverbal Greetings: Bow slightly when saying hello to show respect.
- Timing Matters: Be aware of the time of day and adjust your greeting accordingly.
By learning how to say “Good Afternoon” and other related greetings in Korean, you’ll be able to connect with others in a more natural and meaningful way.
Practice these phrases daily, and you’ll sound like a native speaker in no time!