How Do You Say “I Understand” in Korean (이해했어요)?
The most common way to say it is “이해했어요” (Ihaehaesseoyo) in polite form.
It can also be expressed in various levels of formality and contexts, making it a versatile phrase in everyday conversations.
For example, if someone explains something to you, you can simply reply with “이해했어요”, meaning “I understood.”
This guide will dive deeper into the different ways of expressing understanding in Korean, depending on the situation, tone, and formality.
How to Say “I Understand” in Korean (이해하다의 표현)
1. Basic Polite Form: 이해했어요 (Ihaehaesseoyo)
The verb 이해하다 (Ihaehada) means “to understand.” When conjugated in the polite past tense, it becomes 이해했어요 (Ihaehaesseoyo), which is a polite way of saying “I understood.”
- 네, 이해했어요. (Ne, ihaehaesseoyo.) – Yes, I understand.
- 네 (Ne): Yes
- 이해했어요 (Ihaehaesseoyo): I understood
- 설명 감사합니다, 이해했어요. (Seolmyeong gamsahamnida, ihaehaesseoyo.) – Thank you for the explanation; I understood.
- 설명 (Seolmyeong): Explanation
- 감사합니다 (Gamsahamnida): Thank you
- 이해했어요 (Ihaehaesseoyo): I understood
- 문제 없어요, 이해했어요. (Munje eopseoyo, ihaehaesseoyo.) – No problem, I understood.
- 문제 (Munje): Problem
- 없어요 (Eopseoyo): Does not exist
- 이해했어요 (Ihaehaesseoyo): I understood
2. Casual Way to Say “I Understand” (이해했어 – Ihaehaesseo)
In informal settings, such as conversations with friends or people of the same age, you can use the casual form 이해했어 (Ihaehaesseo). This is the same as “I understood” but less formal.
- 아, 이제 이해했어. (A, ije ihaehaesseo.) – Oh, now I get it.
- 아 (A): Oh
- 이제 (Ije): Now
- 이해했어 (Ihaehaesseo): I understood
- 응, 이해했어. (Eung, ihaehaesseo.) – Yes, I got it.
- 응 (Eung): Yes (casual)
- 이해했어 (Ihaehaesseo): I understood
- 그거 이해했어. (Geugeo ihaehaesseo.) – I understood that.
- 그거 (Geugeo): That
- 이해했어 (Ihaehaesseo): I understood
3. Formal and Respectful Ways to Say “I Understand” (이해했습니다 – Ihaehaetseumnida)
When speaking in formal settings, such as at work or when addressing elders, the phrase 이해했습니다 (Ihaehaetseumnida) is more appropriate. This is the formal past tense of “to understand.”
- 설명 감사합니다, 이해했습니다. (Seolmyeong gamsahamnida, ihaehaetseumnida.) – Thank you for the explanation; I understood.
- 설명 (Seolmyeong): Explanation
- 감사합니다 (Gamsahamnida): Thank you
- 이해했습니다 (Ihaehaetseumnida): I understood
- 네, 이해했습니다. (Ne, ihaehaetseumnida.) – Yes, I understood.
- 네 (Ne): Yes
- 이해했습니다 (Ihaehaetseumnida): I understood
- 지금 다 이해했습니다. (Jigeum da ihaehaetseumnida.) – I understand everything now.
- 지금 (Jigeum): Now
- 다 (Da): Everything
- 이해했습니다 (Ihaehaetseumnida): I understood
How to Say “Do You Understand?” in Korean (이해했어요?)
To ask if someone understands, you can use the question form of “I understand.” This is commonly phrased as “이해했어요?” (Ihaehaesseoyo?) in polite conversations or “이해했어?” (Ihaehaesseo?) in casual settings.
- 이 부분 이해했어요? (I bubeun ihaehaesseoyo?) – Did you understand this part?
- 이 부분 (I bubeun): This part
- 이해했어요 (Ihaehaesseoyo): Did you understand?
- 설명 이해했어요? (Seolmyeong ihaehaesseoyo?) – Did you understand the explanation?
- 설명 (Seolmyeong): Explanation
- 이해했어요 (Ihaehaesseoyo): Did you understand?
- 이 문제 이해했어? (I munje ihaehaesseo?) – Did you get this problem?
- 이 문제 (I munje): This problem
- 이해했어 (Ihaehaesseo): Did you understand?
4. Expressing “I Don’t Understand” (이해하지 못했어요 – Ihaehaji Mothaesseoyo)
If you don’t understand something, you can say “이해하지 못했어요” (Ihaehaji mothaesseoyo), which means “I didn’t understand.” This can also be expressed casually or formally.
- 이해하지 못했어요. 다시 설명해주세요. (Ihaehaji mothaesseoyo. Dasi seolmyeonghaejuseyo.) – I didn’t understand. Please explain again.
- 다시 (Dasi): Again
- 설명해주세요 (Seolmyeonghaejuseyo): Please explain
- 미안해요, 이해 못했어요. (Mianhaeyo, ihae mothaesseoyo.) – Sorry, I didn’t understand.
- 미안해요 (Mianhaeyo): Sorry
- 이해 못했어요 (Ihae mothaesseoyo): I didn’t understand
- 아직 이해하지 못했어. (Ajik ihaehaji mothaesseo.) – I still don’t understand.
- 아직 (Ajik): Still
- 이해하지 못했어 (Ihaehaji mothaesseo): I don’t understand
5. Related Phrases to Understanding (이해와 관련된 표현들)
“Got it” or “Understood”
- 알겠어요 (Algesseoyo) – Polite form of “Got it.”
- 알았어요 (Arasseoyo) – Polite past form meaning “Understood.”
- 네, 알겠어요. (Ne, algesseoyo.) – Yes, I got it.
- 알겠어요 (Algesseoyo): Got it
- 알았어요, 걱정 마세요. (Arasseoyo, geokjeong maseyo.) – I understood, don’t worry.
- 알았어요 (Arasseoyo): Understood
- 걱정 마세요 (Geokjeong maseyo): Don’t worry
“Please Explain”
- 설명해주세요 (Seolmyeonghaejuseyo) – Please explain.
- 더 자세히 말해주세요 (Deo jasehi malhaejuseyo) – Please explain in more detail.
Conclusion (결론)
Lets practice Saying “I Understand” in Korean and if you face any problem let us know.