How Do You Say Flower in Korean? (한국어로 ‘꽃’은 어떻게 말하나요?). wanna know how to say “flower” in korean? the answer is 꽃 (kkot). this word, pronounced as kkot, represents all kinds of flowers. in this guide, we’ll dive into examples of how to use 꽃 (kkot) in sentences, explore related vocabulary, and understand the cultural importance of flowers in korea. along the way, you’ll also learn useful phrases and expand your korean language skills. topics explained by our teachers. toggle examples of 꽃 in sentences (문장에서 ‘꽃’의 사용 예시). common korean words for flowers (한국어로 흔히 쓰이는 꽃 단어) names of popular flowers (인기 있는 꽃 이름들). examples with popular flowers. describing flowers in korean (한국어로 꽃 묘사하기) adjectives for flowers (꽃을 묘사하는 형용사). more examples of descriptions. flowers in korean culture (한국 문화에서 꽃의 중요성) symbolism of flowers (꽃의 상징). conclusion (결론). examples of 꽃 in sentences (문장에서 ‘꽃’의 사용 예시). let’s start by seeing how 꽃 (kkot) is used in everyday korean sentences. here are some practical examples:. 이 꽃은 정말 아름다워요.(i kkot-eun jeong-mal a-reum-da-wo-yo.)this flower is really beautiful. 이 (i): this. 정말 (jeong-mal): really. 아름다워요 (a-reum-da-wo-yo): beautiful. 봄에는 꽃이 많이 피어요.(bom-e-neun kkot-i ma-ni pi-eo-yo.)flowers bloom a lot in spring. 봄 (bom): spring. 많이 (ma-ni): a lot. 피어요 (pi-eo-yo): bloom. 그녀는 꽃을 선물로 받았어요.(geu-nyeo-neun kkot-eul seon-mul-lo ba-dat-seo-yo.)she received flowers as a gift. 그녀 (geu-nyeo): she. 선물 (seon-mul): gift. 받았어요 (ba-dat-seo-yo): received. 꽃 향기가 정말 좋아요.(kkot hyang-gi-ga jeong-mal jo-a-yo.)the flower scent is really nice. 향기 (hyang-gi): scent. 좋아요 (jo-a-yo): nice. 꽃 가게에서 장미를 샀어요.(kkot ga-ge-e-seo jang-mi-reul sat-seo-yo.)i bought roses at the flower shop. 가게 (ga-ge): shop. 장미 (jang-mi): rose. 샀어요 (sat-seo-yo): bought. also you wanna read - how to say very pretty in korean (한국어로 'very pretty'라고 말하기)? common korean words for flowers (한국어로 흔히 쓰이는 꽃 단어). the word 꽃 (kkot) is the umbrella term for flowers, but korean has specific words for different types of flowers. let’s explore some of the most common ones. names of popular flowers (인기 있는 꽃 이름들). 장미 (jang-mi): rose. example: 장미는 사랑의 상징이에요.(jang-mi-neun sa-rang-eui sang-jing-i-e-yo.)a rose symbolizes love. 해바라기 (hae-ba-ra-gi): sunflower. example: 해바라기가 태양을 향해 자라요.(hae-ba-ra-gi-ga tae-yang-eul hyang-hae ja-ra-yo.)sunflowers grow toward the sun. 벚꽃 (beot-kkot): cherry blossom. example: 벚꽃 축제는 한국에서 아주 유명해요.(beot-kkot chuk-je-neun han-guk-e-seo a-ju yu-myeong-hae-yo.)the cherry blossom festival is very famous in korea. 연꽃 (yeon-kkot): lotus flower. example: 연꽃은 순수함을 상징해요.(yeon-kkot-eun sun-su-ham-eul sang-jing-hae-yo.)lotus flowers symbolize purity. 국화 (guk-hwa): chrysanthemum. example: 국화는 가을을 대표하는 꽃이에요.(guk-hwa-neun ga-eul-eul dae-pyo-ha-neun kkot-i-e-yo.)chrysanthemums represent autumn. examples with popular flowers. here are more sentences to show how these flower names are used:. 장미를 정원에 심었어요.(jang-mi-reul jeong-won-e si-meot-seo-yo.)i planted roses in the garden. 해바라기 꽃이 너무 커요.(hae-ba-ra-gi kkot-i neo-mu keo-yo.)the sunflower is so big. 벚꽃이 바람에 날려요.(beot-kkot-i ba-ram-e nal-ryeo-yo.)cherry blossoms are blowing in the wind. describing flowers in korean (한국어로 꽃 묘사하기). flowers are often described in poetry, songs, and everyday life in korea. learning how to describe flowers can enhance your conversations. adjectives for flowers (꽃을 묘사하는 형용사). here are some common adjectives to describe flowers:. 아름답다 (a-reum-dap-da): beautiful. example: 이 꽃은 정말 아름다워요.(i kkot-eun jeong-mal a-reum-da-wo-yo.)this flower is truly beautiful. 화려하다 (hwa-ryeo-ha-da): vibrant. example: 화려한 꽃들이 정원에 가득해요.(hwa-ryeo-han kkot-deul-i jeong-won-e ga-deuk-hae-yo.)the garden is full of vibrant flowers. 작다 (jak-da): small. example: 이 꽃은 작고 귀여워요.(i kkot-eun jak-go gwi-yeo-wo-yo.)this flower is small and cute. 싱그럽다 (sing-geu-reop-da): fresh. example: 싱그러운 꽃 향기가 퍼져요.(sing-geu-reo-un kkot hyang-gi-ga peo-jyeo-yo.)the fresh flower scent spreads. 은은하다 (eun-eun-ha-da): subtle. example: 이 꽃의 향기가 은은해요.(i kkot-eui hyang-gi-ga eun-eun-hae-yo.)this flower’s scent is subtle. also you wanna read - how to say "or" in korean (또는 / 아니면)? more examples of descriptions. 꽃잎이 부드러워요. (kkot-ip-i bu-deu-reo-wo-yo.)the flower petals are soft. 꽃 색깔이 너무 예뻐요. (kkot saek-kkal-i neo-mu ye-ppeo-yo.)the flower colors are so pretty. flowers in korean culture (한국 문화에서 꽃의 중요성). flowers are deeply symbolic in korean culture. they’re used in festivals, traditional art, and everyday celebrations. symbolism of flowers (꽃의 상징). 장미 (jang-mi): symbol of love and passion. 연꽃 (yeon-kkot): represents purity and enlightenment. 벚꽃 (beot-kkot): signifies renewal and beauty. conclusion (결론). the korean word for flower, 꽃 (kkot), is a simple yet meaningful word that opens the door to understanding a rich part of korean culture. by learning related vocabulary and phrases, you can describe flowers, express emotions, and connect with the beauty of the korean language. so next time you see a lovely flower, remember to call it 꽃 (kkot) and use these examples to express its charm in korean! related. how to say “like” in korean? here is your answer! the korean word for "like" is 좋아하다 (joahada). if you want to express that you like something or someone, this is the term you’ll use most often. either you're describing a favorite food, hobby, or expressing affection for someone, 좋아하다 is a versatile verb that will help you communicate your…. in "conversational korean". how to say very pretty in korean (한국어로 ‘very pretty’라고 말하기)? want to tell someone they look very pretty in korean? the phrase "very pretty" is 아주 예뻐요 (aju yeppeoyo). it’s simple, sweet, and a great compliment to make someone’s day! in this article, we’ll break down how to say "very pretty" in korean, explain the nuances, and provide plenty of…. in "conversational korean". how do you say “moon” in korean? the word for "moon" in korean is 달 (dal). simple, elegant, and easy to remember, 달 is a core part of the korean language and culture. in this article, we’ll explore how to use 달 in various contexts, related expressions, cultural connections, and even practice exercises to help you master…. in "conversational korean".
Wanna know how to say “flower” in Korean? The answer is 꽃 (kkot). This word, pronounced as kkot, represents all kinds of flowers.
In this guide, we’ll dive into examples of how to use 꽃 (kkot) in sentences, explore related vocabulary, and understand the cultural importance of flowers in Korea.
Along the way, you’ll also learn useful phrases and expand your Korean language skills.
Common Korean Words for Flowers (한국어로 흔히 쓰이는 꽃 단어)
The word 꽃 (kkot) is the umbrella term for flowers, but Korean has specific words for different types of flowers. Let’s explore some of the most common ones.
Names of Popular Flowers (인기 있는 꽃 이름들)
장미 (jang-mi): Rose
Example: 장미는 사랑의 상징이에요. (Jang-mi-neun sa-rang-eui sang-jing-i-e-yo.) A rose symbolizes love.
해바라기 (hae-ba-ra-gi): Sunflower
Example: 해바라기가 태양을 향해 자라요. (Hae-ba-ra-gi-ga tae-yang-eul hyang-hae ja-ra-yo.) Sunflowers grow toward the sun.
벚꽃 (beot-kkot): Cherry blossom
Example: 벚꽃 축제는 한국에서 아주 유명해요. (Beot-kkot chuk-je-neun han-guk-e-seo a-ju yu-myeong-hae-yo.) The cherry blossom festival is very famous in Korea.
The Korean word for "like" is 좋아하다 (joahada). If you want to express that you like something or someone, this is the term you’ll use most often. Either you're describing a favorite food, hobby, or expressing affection for someone, 좋아하다 is a versatile verb that will help you communicate your…
Want to tell someone they look very pretty in Korean? The phrase "very pretty" is 아주 예뻐요 (aju yeppeoyo). It’s simple, sweet, and a great compliment to make someone’s day! In this article, we’ll break down how to say "very pretty" in Korean, explain the nuances, and provide plenty of…
The word for "moon" in Korean is 달 (dal). Simple, elegant, and easy to remember, 달 is a core part of the Korean language and culture. In this article, we’ll explore how to use 달 in various contexts, related expressions, cultural connections, and even practice exercises to help you master…
The word 음식 (eum-sik) directly translates to “food” in English. It is a versatile term used to describe meals, snacks, or dishes. This word is used to describe food in general, from meals you eat daily to special dishes you enjoy during celebrations. It’s one of the most important words to know if you’re learning…
In Korean, the term for “honey” varies depending on the context. When addressing a loved one, 여보 (Yeo-bo) is the most common term, meaning “honey” as a term of endearment. However, when referring to “honey” as the sweet, golden food, the word is 꿀 (Kkul). Both words carry unique meanings and uses. This article will…
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If you’re learning Korean, you might wonder how to express the word “date” in different contexts. The word “date” can refer to a calendar date, asking someone out, or other time-related phrases. In this guide, we’ll dive into the various meanings of “date” in Korean and teach you how to use it naturally in conversation….
In Korean, the equivalent of “Good Afternoon” is “안녕하세요?” (annyeonghaseyo?) when spoken generally, or “좋은 오후 되세요.” (joeun ohu doeseyo) in a more specific sense. Here’s a quick explanation – In this detailed guide, we’ll explore different ways to greet and use “Good Afternoon” in Korean, with examples and cultural insights. Common Greetings in the…
The word 음식 (eum-sik) directly translates to “food” in English. It is a versatile term used to describe meals, snacks, or dishes. This word is used to describe food in general, from meals you eat daily to special dishes you enjoy during celebrations. It’s one of the most important words to know if you’re learning…
In Korean, the term for “honey” varies depending on the context. When addressing a loved one, 여보 (Yeo-bo) is the most common term, meaning “honey” as a term of endearment. However, when referring to “honey” as the sweet, golden food, the word is 꿀 (Kkul). Both words carry unique meanings and uses. This article will…
The most common way to say “beautiful” in Korean is 아름답다 (areumdapda). This word captures the essence of beauty and is often used in formal or poetic contexts. Korean, however, offers various expressions to describe beauty, depending on the situation, object, or person you’re referring to. Let’s explore these phrases in detail with examples and…
In Korean, the most common way to say “welcome” is 환영합니다 (hwan-yeong-ham-ni-da). This phrase is used in formal contexts to warmly greet someone. Let’s dive deeper into how to say “welcome” in Korean, with examples and usage tips to help you master this expression. Formal Ways to Say “Welcome” In this section, we’ll cover the…
If you’re learning Korean, you might wonder how to express the word “date” in different contexts. The word “date” can refer to a calendar date, asking someone out, or other time-related phrases. In this guide, we’ll dive into the various meanings of “date” in Korean and teach you how to use it naturally in conversation….
In Korean, the equivalent of “Good Afternoon” is “안녕하세요?” (annyeonghaseyo?) when spoken generally, or “좋은 오후 되세요.” (joeun ohu doeseyo) in a more specific sense. Here’s a quick explanation – In this detailed guide, we’ll explore different ways to greet and use “Good Afternoon” in Korean, with examples and cultural insights. Common Greetings in the…
The word 음식 (eum-sik) directly translates to “food” in English. It is a versatile term used to describe meals, snacks, or dishes. This word is used to describe food in general, from meals you eat daily to special dishes you enjoy during celebrations. It’s one of the most important words to know if you’re learning…
In Korean, the term for “honey” varies depending on the context. When addressing a loved one, 여보 (Yeo-bo) is the most common term, meaning “honey” as a term of endearment. However, when referring to “honey” as the sweet, golden food, the word is 꿀 (Kkul). Both words carry unique meanings and uses. This article will…
How Do You Say Flower in Korean? (한국어로 ‘꽃’은 어떻게 말하나요?). wanna know how to say “flower” in korean? the answer is 꽃 (kkot). this word, pronounced as kkot, represents all kinds of flowers. in this guide, we’ll dive into examples of how to use 꽃 (kkot) in sentences, explore related vocabulary, and understand the cultural importance of flowers in korea. along the way, you’ll also learn useful phrases and expand your korean language skills. topics explained by our teachers. toggle examples of 꽃 in sentences (문장에서 ‘꽃’의 사용 예시). common korean words for flowers (한국어로 흔히 쓰이는 꽃 단어) names of popular flowers (인기 있는 꽃 이름들). examples with popular flowers. describing flowers in korean (한국어로 꽃 묘사하기) adjectives for flowers (꽃을 묘사하는 형용사). more examples of descriptions. flowers in korean culture (한국 문화에서 꽃의 중요성) symbolism of flowers (꽃의 상징). conclusion (결론). examples of 꽃 in sentences (문장에서 ‘꽃’의 사용 예시). let’s start by seeing how 꽃 (kkot) is used in everyday korean sentences. here are some practical examples:. 이 꽃은 정말 아름다워요.(i kkot-eun jeong-mal a-reum-da-wo-yo.)this flower is really beautiful. 이 (i): this. 정말 (jeong-mal): really. 아름다워요 (a-reum-da-wo-yo): beautiful. 봄에는 꽃이 많이 피어요.(bom-e-neun kkot-i ma-ni pi-eo-yo.)flowers bloom a lot in spring. 봄 (bom): spring. 많이 (ma-ni): a lot. 피어요 (pi-eo-yo): bloom. 그녀는 꽃을 선물로 받았어요.(geu-nyeo-neun kkot-eul seon-mul-lo ba-dat-seo-yo.)she received flowers as a gift. 그녀 (geu-nyeo): she. 선물 (seon-mul): gift. 받았어요 (ba-dat-seo-yo): received. 꽃 향기가 정말 좋아요.(kkot hyang-gi-ga jeong-mal jo-a-yo.)the flower scent is really nice. 향기 (hyang-gi): scent. 좋아요 (jo-a-yo): nice. 꽃 가게에서 장미를 샀어요.(kkot ga-ge-e-seo jang-mi-reul sat-seo-yo.)i bought roses at the flower shop. 가게 (ga-ge): shop. 장미 (jang-mi): rose. 샀어요 (sat-seo-yo): bought. also you wanna read - how to say very pretty in korean (한국어로 'very pretty'라고 말하기)? common korean words for flowers (한국어로 흔히 쓰이는 꽃 단어). the word 꽃 (kkot) is the umbrella term for flowers, but korean has specific words for different types of flowers. let’s explore some of the most common ones. names of popular flowers (인기 있는 꽃 이름들). 장미 (jang-mi): rose. example: 장미는 사랑의 상징이에요.(jang-mi-neun sa-rang-eui sang-jing-i-e-yo.)a rose symbolizes love. 해바라기 (hae-ba-ra-gi): sunflower. example: 해바라기가 태양을 향해 자라요.(hae-ba-ra-gi-ga tae-yang-eul hyang-hae ja-ra-yo.)sunflowers grow toward the sun. 벚꽃 (beot-kkot): cherry blossom. example: 벚꽃 축제는 한국에서 아주 유명해요.(beot-kkot chuk-je-neun han-guk-e-seo a-ju yu-myeong-hae-yo.)the cherry blossom festival is very famous in korea. 연꽃 (yeon-kkot): lotus flower. example: 연꽃은 순수함을 상징해요.(yeon-kkot-eun sun-su-ham-eul sang-jing-hae-yo.)lotus flowers symbolize purity. 국화 (guk-hwa): chrysanthemum. example: 국화는 가을을 대표하는 꽃이에요.(guk-hwa-neun ga-eul-eul dae-pyo-ha-neun kkot-i-e-yo.)chrysanthemums represent autumn. examples with popular flowers. here are more sentences to show how these flower names are used:. 장미를 정원에 심었어요.(jang-mi-reul jeong-won-e si-meot-seo-yo.)i planted roses in the garden. 해바라기 꽃이 너무 커요.(hae-ba-ra-gi kkot-i neo-mu keo-yo.)the sunflower is so big. 벚꽃이 바람에 날려요.(beot-kkot-i ba-ram-e nal-ryeo-yo.)cherry blossoms are blowing in the wind. describing flowers in korean (한국어로 꽃 묘사하기). flowers are often described in poetry, songs, and everyday life in korea. learning how to describe flowers can enhance your conversations. adjectives for flowers (꽃을 묘사하는 형용사). here are some common adjectives to describe flowers:. 아름답다 (a-reum-dap-da): beautiful. example: 이 꽃은 정말 아름다워요.(i kkot-eun jeong-mal a-reum-da-wo-yo.)this flower is truly beautiful. 화려하다 (hwa-ryeo-ha-da): vibrant. example: 화려한 꽃들이 정원에 가득해요.(hwa-ryeo-han kkot-deul-i jeong-won-e ga-deuk-hae-yo.)the garden is full of vibrant flowers. 작다 (jak-da): small. example: 이 꽃은 작고 귀여워요.(i kkot-eun jak-go gwi-yeo-wo-yo.)this flower is small and cute. 싱그럽다 (sing-geu-reop-da): fresh. example: 싱그러운 꽃 향기가 퍼져요.(sing-geu-reo-un kkot hyang-gi-ga peo-jyeo-yo.)the fresh flower scent spreads. 은은하다 (eun-eun-ha-da): subtle. example: 이 꽃의 향기가 은은해요.(i kkot-eui hyang-gi-ga eun-eun-hae-yo.)this flower’s scent is subtle. also you wanna read - how to say "or" in korean (또는 / 아니면)? more examples of descriptions. 꽃잎이 부드러워요. (kkot-ip-i bu-deu-reo-wo-yo.)the flower petals are soft. 꽃 색깔이 너무 예뻐요. (kkot saek-kkal-i neo-mu ye-ppeo-yo.)the flower colors are so pretty. flowers in korean culture (한국 문화에서 꽃의 중요성). flowers are deeply symbolic in korean culture. they’re used in festivals, traditional art, and everyday celebrations. symbolism of flowers (꽃의 상징). 장미 (jang-mi): symbol of love and passion. 연꽃 (yeon-kkot): represents purity and enlightenment. 벚꽃 (beot-kkot): signifies renewal and beauty. conclusion (결론). the korean word for flower, 꽃 (kkot), is a simple yet meaningful word that opens the door to understanding a rich part of korean culture. by learning related vocabulary and phrases, you can describe flowers, express emotions, and connect with the beauty of the korean language. so next time you see a lovely flower, remember to call it 꽃 (kkot) and use these examples to express its charm in korean! related. how to say “like” in korean? here is your answer! the korean word for "like" is 좋아하다 (joahada). if you want to express that you like something or someone, this is the term you’ll use most often. either you're describing a favorite food, hobby, or expressing affection for someone, 좋아하다 is a versatile verb that will help you communicate your…. in "conversational korean". how to say very pretty in korean (한국어로 ‘very pretty’라고 말하기)? want to tell someone they look very pretty in korean? the phrase "very pretty" is 아주 예뻐요 (aju yeppeoyo). it’s simple, sweet, and a great compliment to make someone’s day! in this article, we’ll break down how to say "very pretty" in korean, explain the nuances, and provide plenty of…. in "conversational korean". how do you say “moon” in korean? the word for "moon" in korean is 달 (dal). simple, elegant, and easy to remember, 달 is a core part of the korean language and culture. in this article, we’ll explore how to use 달 in various contexts, related expressions, cultural connections, and even practice exercises to help you master…. in "conversational korean".