How to Say When in Korean

How to Say When in Korean (한국어로 ‘언제’라고 말하는 방법)?

If you’re curious about how to say “when” in Korean, the word you’re looking for is 언제 (eon-je). It’s a versatile question word used to ask about time or specific moments. In this article, we’ll dive into the meaning, usage, and examples of 언제 (eon-je). Additionally, we’ll explore related expressions and how you can incorporate…

How to Say Princess in Korean

How to Say Princess in Korean (공주라고 어떻게 말하나요)

If you want to say “princess” in Korean, the word you are looking for is 공주 (gong-ju). It’s a term used to describe a princess, whether you are referring to a royal princess, someone in a fairytale, or playfully calling someone your “princess.” In this article, we’ll break down the word, explain its usage, and…

How to Say Good Afternoon in Korean

How to Say Good Afternoon in Korean (한국어로 ‘Good Afternoon’ 인사하기)

In Korean, the equivalent of “Good Afternoon” is “안녕하세요?” (annyeonghaseyo?) when spoken generally, or “좋은 오후 되세요.” (joeun ohu doeseyo) in a more specific sense. Here’s a quick explanation – In this detailed guide, we’ll explore different ways to greet and use “Good Afternoon” in Korean, with examples and cultural insights. Common Greetings in the…


How to Say “Or” in Korean (또는 / 아니면)?

The word “or” is used to connect choices or options, and in Korean, it can be expressed in different ways depending on the context. The two most common ways to say “or” are 또는 (tto-neun) and 아니면 (a-ni-myeon). In this guide, we’ll dive deep into how to use “or” in Korean with examples and related…

How to Say Very Pretty in Korean

How to Say Very Pretty in Korean (한국어로 ‘Very Pretty’라고 말하기)?

Want to tell someone they look very pretty in Korean? The phrase “very pretty” is 아주 예뻐요 (aju yeppeoyo). It’s simple, sweet, and a great compliment to make someone’s day! In this article, we’ll break down how to say “very pretty” in Korean, explain the nuances, and provide plenty of examples so you can use…

How to Say “Date” in Korean

How to Say “Date” in Korean (데이트 또는 날짜)

If you’re learning Korean, you might wonder how to express the word “date” in different contexts. The word “date” can refer to a calendar date, asking someone out, or other time-related phrases. In this guide, we’ll dive into the various meanings of “date” in Korean and teach you how to use it naturally in conversation….

How Do You Say “I Understand” in Korean

How Do You Say “I Understand” in Korean (이해했어요)?

The most common way to say it is “이해했어요” (Ihaehaesseoyo) in polite form. It can also be expressed in various levels of formality and contexts, making it a versatile phrase in everyday conversations. For example, if someone explains something to you, you can simply reply with “이해했어요”, meaning “I understood.” This guide will dive deeper…

How to Say Crazy in Korean

How to Say Crazy in Korean (미쳤어?)

If you’re learning Korean, you might have want to know how to express emotions like excitement, surprise, or frustration. One common term is “미쳤어” (Michyeosseo), which means “crazy.” It’s a versatile word often used in both literal and figurative senses, depending on the context. For example, if someone acts irrationally, you might say, “너 미쳤어?”…

How Do You Say Good Evening in Korean

How Do You Say Good Evening in Korean (저녁에 안녕하세요?)

In Korean, saying “Good Evening” is more than just a greeting. It reflects cultural nuances and social etiquette. The answer is, “좋은 저녁이에요” (Joeun jeonyeog-ieyo), which means “Good evening.” However, the expression may vary slightly depending on the context and the level of formality. In this post, we’ll explore how to say good evening in…

How to Say Age in Korean

How to Say Age in Korean (나이를 한국어로 어떻게 말해요?)

Welcome to easy Korean Learning platform! Koreans use two systems to express age – In this post, we’ll explore how to ask and answer about age in Korean, the cultural aspects tied to age, and common phrases you need to know. By the end, you’ll feel confident talking about your age in Korean! How to…